Montag, 8. März 2021

Letter to the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV)

 March 6th, 2021

Dear colleagues,

please allow me some questions and comments regarding the survey "X" posted and regarding his statement: 

“no one (I hope) is considering using a human licensed vaccine whilst the human population is not fully vaccinated.“

Since July last year we have a thorough investigation here in Germany into the Corona / SARS-CoV-2 / Covid-19-situation. This investigation has been established by four German lawyers and information about it can be found on the following website:

They also publish a news website, which is available in various languages, for example:

Further useful information - also not available in mainstream media - can be found here (in various languages):

Vaccinations in Germany started - in the age group ‘over 80 years old’ - in late December 2020. Since then a number of people have died after receiving the first or second shot.

The German Paul-Ehrlich-Institute - responsible for the validation, authorization and supervision/follow-up of vaccines, their effects and adverse effects, does not see any connection apart from a correlation in time - between the vaccination and the subsequent death of those people and refuses to perform autopsies. It states that those people were simply old, multi-morbid and close to death and died just because of that. 

The same is stated by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in its most recent evaluation of Comirnaty (BionTech / Pfizer):

“PRAC assessed case reports of suspected side effects with fatal outcome following vaccination with Comirnaty. In most cases, progression of (multiple) pre-existing diseases seemed to be a plausible explanation for death. In some individuals, palliative care had been initiated before vaccination. This assessment of the available data did not identify a safety concern.“

One wonders why old, multimorbid people close to death i.e., in palliative care, are vaccinated in the first place? 
Would we do that with such a dog or cat or any such zoo animal?

On the other hand, though, everybody, who tested positive for a corona virus in the last 30 days before his death is counted as “died with or from Covid-19“.
Is that not complete nonsense?
The expression “died with or from“ is completely without content and scientifically not valid.

As long as no autopsies are performed, the real reason of death cannot be determined beyond doubt.

At the same time we are testing with a not validated, non-standardised PCR-test, which - due to the instructions provided with it and due to its inventor, Kary Mullis, who recievd the noble price for this invention - is not certified for use in outbreak situations. 
Furthermore, we state that a positive PCR-test equals infection with SARS-CoV-2. 
Again, such statement is completely unscientific.

Just recently WHO has changed its respective definition. But here in Germany the Robert-Koch-Institute still states that - regardless of any symptoms - any PCR-test positive person is regarded and counted statistically as “infetcted with Covid-19“. 

That is simply wrong.

PCR-tests can only always be follow-up diagnostic tools. They can only follow after a thorough anamneses amd clinical examination. Differential diagnoses have to be considered as well.

The human and animal body only has a selected number of symptoms to express a respiratory infection, for example fever, coughing, runny nose, headache, etc. Such symptoms can be caused either by a virus, a bacteria, or a fungus, or varying combinations of those.
Hence, perfoming only one PCR-Test does not equal a proper diagnosis.
Even an individual with a positive Corona-PCR-test and showing respiratory signs may not be infetcted with SARS-CoV-2 but by, for example, influenza.
All these considerations have to be taken into account.

I therefore state the following:
  • The figures we generate with the Drosten-PCR-test for COVID-19 are not reliable and actually without any meaning.
  • Anamneses, clinical investigation and differential diagnoses have to be taken into account and either excluded or substantiated through thorough diagnositc approaches.
  • Only thorough and unbiased necropsies can reliably proof that an individual died of COVID-19 and solely of COVID-19.
I therefore conclude that, what we have been observing over more than the last 12 months now, has nothing to do with a pandemic.

In Germany we do not have any surplus deaths in 2020.
If surplus deaths have been observed in other countries, those deaths have to be investigated thoroughly. They cannot just be attributed to SARS-CoV-2 due to a positive Corona-PCR-test, a person might have shown the last 30 days before his death.

Regarding the vaccination effects, please allow me to draw your attention to the following link:

This shows footage taken by hidden camera in an old peoples’ home in Berlin, Germany. The interview of a whisteblower is in German with English subtitles.
Out of 32 people who had been vaccinated, seven died several days after the first vaccination. An eighth person several weeks later, after prolonged illness directly after vaccination. Several more people became seriously ill after the first and / or second vaccination

What you make of this is of course completely up to you. 

I just think that people should be informed about such incidents and temporal correlations.

The German toxicologist Professor Stefan Hockertz has established the following vaccine check list (English translation by myself). He kindly allowed me to post the following link, where the German version can be found on this twitter account:

Prof. Hockertz is appointed as “Eurotox Registered Toxicologist” and he has the admission as „Herstellungs- and Kontrolleiter“ according to §15.1 and §15.3 of the German Drug Law since 1996.

Vaccination check list (Prof. S. Hockertz):

1. Does the SARS-Cov-2 vaccination prevent me from getting infected? NO

2. Does the vaccination prevent me from infecting others? NO

3. Does the vaccination free me from wearing a face mask? NO

4. Does the vaccination free me from the social distancing rules? NO

5. Does the vaccination free me from further tests? NO

6. Have the vaccines been fully tested? NO

7. Are the vaccines regularly authorized? NO

8. Can the vaccine manufacturer be rendered liable? NO

9. Are severe adverse effects and deaths
being observed in connection with the vaccination? YES

10. Are repeated routine vaccinations being discussed already? YES

Therefore and furthermore, people going to be vaccinated need to be informed that they are no regular ‘Vaccinees‘. Instead they are subjects of the 4th and long-term study phase of the vaccine trials. This becomes clear, when studying the Vaccine information on the EMA website:

All authorized vaccines are currently under a “conditional marketing authorization“ only:

This means that the COVID-19 vaccine administration as it is currently performed worldwide is a Human Experiment (Menschenversuch).

This goes against the “Declaration of Helsinki“:

as outlined by the following citation:“

2. It is the duty of the physician to promote and safeguard the health of the people. The physician’s knowledge and conscience are dedicated to the fulfillment of this duty.

5. In medical research on human subjects, considerations related to the well-being of the human subject should take precedence over the interests of science and society

9. Research Investigators should be aware of the ethical, legal and regulatory requirements for research on human subjects in their own countries as well as applicable international requirements. No national ethical, legal or regulatory requirement should be allowed to reduce or eliminate any of the protections for human subjects set forth in this Declaration.

10. It is the duty of the physician in medical research to protect the life, health, privacy, and dignity of the human subject.

17. Physicians should abstain from engaging in research projects involving human subjects unless they are confident that the risks involved have been adequately assessed and can be satisfactorily managed. Physicians should cease any investigation if the risks are found to outweigh the potential benefits or if there is conclusive proof of positive and beneficial results.

18. Medical research involving human subjects should only be conducted if the importance of the objective outweighs the inherent risks and burdens to the subject. This is especially important when the human subjects are healthy volunteers.
19. Medical research is only justified if there is a reasonable likelihood that the populations in which the research is carried out stand to benefit from the results of the research.

20. The subjects must be volunteers and informed participants in the research project.“

What amazes me most and saddens me is the complete silence of the veterinary profession in this matter.

Do we really all agree that what we have been observing over the last year and longer is a ‘Corona pandemic‘?

Do we really all agree that this justifies the theft of our fundamental rights?

Do we really all agree that it is humane to let our elders live and die alone, in order to protect them or us from whom or what? A corona infection?

Do we really all agree that there is no other way but to hurt our children physically, mentally, emotionally by forcing them to wear face masks?
Which, as we all should know, do not protect from virus transmission.
Instead, though, they inflict psychological, emotional and educational suffering on our childern and their future well being, the extent of which we cannot at all foresee.

Is that really humane what has been and is happening in the name of “fighting a pandemic“?

What about the Principle of Proportionality?
(Verhältnismäßigkeit: Maßnahmen müssen notwenig, angemessen, geeignet sein)

Why are we silent?

With best wishes

Claudia Schoene

March 7th, 2021

Hi "Y",

thank you for your reply.

As far as the definition of a pandemic is concerned I refer to the WHO definition regarding an influenza pandemic before it was changed in 2009, namely:

"An influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness."

Just exchange influenza against corona.

I refuse to accept the current definition:

"A pandemic is the worldwide spread of a new disease."

Due to international travel of people, animals, plants and goods - including their germs (virus, bacteria, fungi) - people, animals, plants and goods carry with them, this would mean that we are living in a cosntant state of a pandemic. Which is of course nonsens.

Since corona virus have been around longer than mankind, we have a certain immunity against all conrona virus, also against SARS-CoV-2. This has been proven by investigating human blood donor samples taken before December 2019, of which 80% were able to neutralize SARS-CoV-2 (the respective study can be found on the internet).
We also do not see enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses.

We just see enormous numbers of positive tests. What we do see is a higher case fatality rate in people over 80 years of age. Also here circumstances and causes (multiple infections?, influenza vaccination?) are not completely clear.

If you look at the following table, which can be found at:

you can see how the number of corona-associated deaths 'depends' on the number of tests performed.
(Geestete = Individuaks tested; CaT = Corona-associated deaths; CaT pro 1 Mio. Einwohner = CaT per 1 million inhabitants)

Stand: 07.03.2021Corona-positiv Getestete:Corona-assoziierte Todesfälle (CaT):CaT pro 1 Mio. EinwohnerTests pro 1 Mio. Einwohner
(zum Vortag +13)
(zum Vortag +0)
"Gutes Gesundheitssytem"
(zum Vortag +8.235)
(zum Vortag +173)
(zum Vortag +2)
(zum Vortag: -4)
(zum Vortag +65)
(zum Vortag +0)
(zum Vortag +/-0)

Even looking at Germany and just assuming for the purpose of this example that the figure 0f 863 Corona-associated deaths per 1 million inhabitants would be correct, we have a case fatality rate of 0.0863, which is negligable. At least in the epidemiological sense of disease spread, not, of course on the personal and individual side.

We do have a test pandemic. If we would not constantly test asymptomatic people, we would not see any changes to the previous years, where the situation in hospitals and intensive care untis was similar, just nobody cared about it.

The same futility holds true for the changed definition of herd immunity by WHO:

( - just scroll down the page a bit):

This new definition (on the right) is of course complete nonsense. And one wonders, why it was changed accordingly by WHO...?

OK, so much from my side.

All best


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